Rose Star Blocks
I only finished one this month. If I can get my design work and cutting done ahead of time, it would be no problem to turn out one of these a week just working on them in found time. Crafty hero, Clare with selfsewn, has a great tutorial!
Summer Sampler Series Blocks: Greek Cross
These guys are winners. The blocks are so cute, and I love the way they turned out with the fabrics I pulled from my limited stash. The best thing is the new skills I've been picking up while working on them. I'll keep making them to swap with the Austin Modern Quilt Guild, and hopefully I can make enough for myself to craft up some sort of quilt.
Free-Motion Quilting Practice
I did get in a little FMQ practice in April. I'd be down for trying some all-over FMQ on a finished quilt at this point, I just need to get quilting thread in more colors. This most recent attempt was pretty tough, since I was following traced pencil lines from a template pattern. I threw in some all-over squiggles, squares, and echoing to further discourage myself ;-)
Zakka Style Potholder
I reviewed the Zakka Style book and made one of the sample projects. I'm happy with the way the potholder turned out. It's a shame that several projects in the book seem to have errors in the instructions. If you're crafty, though, just wing it. After pulling out stitches a few times, you can get a cute finished product.
Marine Den Baby Quilt
I worked very intensely on this quilt for two weeks. It was tough, but I love how it turned out. There are definitely some changes I'd make, but it has pattern potential. I picked up a few new skills while working out the kinks, but a couple of changes would make the quilt top come together much faster. Also, quilting densely with my walking foot was very time consuming. If I'd had the right color thread on hand, all-over FMQ would have been a big timesaver.
May is upon us! How did your month of April go?
I'm linking up with Polly Want a Crafter and Lily's Quilts for the Fresh Sewing Day and Small Blog Meet! If you're a blogger with less than 50 followers, the Small Blog Meet is a great way to connect with people in the sewing blogosphere!